Saturday 14 July 2012

Jerome of Molfetta and Rules for Mental Prayer

Translated by Bro. Patrick Colbourne ofm cap (July 2012)

Jerome Spinazzola of Molfetta who came from the Province of Apulia took part in the General Chapter at Santa Eufemia in Rome from 1535-1536 where he also received fifteen votes for the office of definitor. He was a Capuchin preacher and Mattia da Salò relates that “he was a tall fine man with a long red beard with the capacity to make his audience cry by his manner of speaking. He was a pupil and admirer of Bernardino Ochino, whose lot he sadly shared. Among other things, when preaching, he often promoted devotion to the “rosary of the Name of Jesus” among the people. He composed a short appealing tract on this subject and attached it to the Dialogue of Union by Bartholomew Cordoni which he republished in Milan at the beginning of 1539.

The Italian introduction, footnotes and transcription of the Ms of the Regule de la orazione mentale are by Costanzo Cargnoni OFM Cap in I Frati Cappuccini. Documenti e testimonianze del primo secolo, a cura di Costanzo Cargnoni, III/1, Edizione Frate Indovino, Perugia, 1991, pp.429-445